Polymer Flocculants
Processing Bestac
International, Inc. Tel: 973 6336878 Fax: 973 6330828 Email: service@qualfloc.com [Bestac International, Inc.] ©Copyright, All rights reserved.
Mineral Processing Industries
In most mineral industries where massive water processes is
required, sedimentation or centrifugation for water-solids separation is usually
involved. For most of these applications, high or ultra high molecular weight
flocculants with wide range anionic or cationic charges are normally desired. Qualfloc polymers are products that have such features to reach maximum
performance with cost efficiency solution for these applications.
Our Qualfloc flocculants and
coagulants could offer wide range anionic and cationic charges with full
molecular weight options, especially the high to ultra high molecular weight products.
All application requirements for mineral processing industries are extensively
Applications of our products can be found in many mineral
processing industries including: